Favorite Things from 2016

I wanted to expand on my list of favorite podcasts from 2016 with my favorite things from this year. These are in no order or categories because I wrote this as ideas popped into my head, and it’s already 2017, so no time to edit!

Apple Watch Series 2 – I just got this for Christmas but it’s the best tech I’ve gotten my hands on.

Tile Tracker – My wife and I have not lost our keys this entire year. Prevented a major fiasco!

Transcend 64GB JetFlash 710 USB 3.1/3.0 Flash Drive

Guy Rhodes (@guy_rhodes) has amazing photos, and also the best Instagram Stories I’ve ever seen.

Umami Burger – the best burger I’ve ever had. It melted in my mouth.

Pineapple and how to slice it in a couple of minutes

CaptainDisillusion – a great YouTube channel that debunks fake videos.

SmarterEveryDay – I learn something every time Destin uploads a video.

1Password – How my entire family manages strong passwords. I can’t live without this, and it helped me recover from an attempt to log into my Apple ID.

You Suck At Cooking – a funny but actually good place for recipes.

Tom Scott – great YouTube videos for a curious person like me.

ProZD – funny voiceover actor who has great video game references.

Mike Boyd – watch him learn a difficult task as quickly as possible.

Lectures on Digital Photography – a great, free video course on the technical side of digital photography taught by the legendary Marc Levoy.

Disney Research Hub – a YouTube channel that uploads interesting research done by Disney. I feel like I’m watching future products being revealed.

CG Cookie – where I learn about Blender (free 3d program) and art in general. Great resource.

10-foot lightning cable – My wife and I both have these, they’re especially good for hotels where the outlet might be hard to reach.

NO-AD Sunscreen – the best sunscreen I’ve ever used.